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Switchcraft Connectors

Part number: Custom

Switchcraft Connectors
11 Chassis mnt. 1/4" jack
L11 Chassis mnt. 1/4" jack with long neck
12A Chassis mnt. 1/4" jack, closed circuit
12B Chassis mnt. 1/4" TRS jack
121 Inline 1/4" jack
128 Oversized inline 1/4" jack
1238 Oversized inline 1/4" TRS jack
131 Inline 1/4" TRS jack
151 Thick panel 1/4" chassis mount jack
172 Inline 1/4" shorting plug
190 Oversized inline 1/4" TRS plug
226 Right angle inline 1/4" plug
238 Right angle inline 1/4" TRS plug
280 1/4" tip sleeve plug
297 Inline 1/4" TRS plug
3501FR Chassis mount RCA phono jack
3502A Inline RCA phono plug large body
3502A-bau Inline RCA phono plug large body (black, gold)
3503 Inline RCA phono jack
482NC 1/4" Long Frame Patch plug (red 280 type clamp)
483NC 1/4" long frame patch plugs (black 280 type cable clamp)
35HDBAU Inline 3.5mm TRS plug (gold body, black handle)
502F Inline 3.5mm TRS jack
70 Oversized inline 1/4" plug
780 Inline 1/8" mini plug
A3M A3M Inline male XLR
A3F Inline female XLR
D3M D3M Chassis mnt. male XLR
D3F Chassis mnt. female XLR
R3M Inline right angle male XLR
R3F Inline right angle female XLR
T3F Inline female XLR with On/Off switch
BBN-BN Dual banana, oversize for 12GA, black w/ nickel contacts
BBN-RN Dual banana, oversize for 12GA, red w/ nickel contacts
BBN-BG Dual banana, oversize for 12GA, black w/ gold contacts
BBN-RG Dual banana, oversize for 12GA, red w/ gold contacts
DIN-MI Inline 5-pin DIN plug
DIN-FI DIN-FI Inline 5-pin DIN jack
TA*F Tiny 3 or 4 pin Q-G plug (female)
TA*M Tiny 3 or 4 pin Q-G plug (male)
TT253NC Black nickel TT plugs, 280 type cable clamp
TT254NC Red nickel TT plugs, 280 type cable clamp

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